




I love You.

without shame or embarrassment I say this

I adore You.

I am totally smitten enamoured and full to the brim of joy at being part of your magnificence.

that even though I breathe with you a zillion times a day I can never know all of you

You will always be a mystery and for that I love you too.




as in the faerie embassy

my home space within a forest.

we are ambassadors that represent all those without a voice in the human world

the unseen   the unknown    the invisible

wind   rainbow   spider   wombat   tree   fern   mist   wallaby   owl ……..

the mission – to challenge the current paradigm with conscious co creation.

we do this by exploring the journey of living

within the Vital Presence of Mother Earth.






from the Sun

solar panels mounted on our roof

no electricity bill in 30 years.

aware of the power we consume

blessed be the Sun.




daughter of my womb

a rose

with a few thorns.

a laughing petal

a warrior on a journey.


3 thoughts on “Earth

  1. This is just so lovely thank you so much. Mother Nature gives us so much, with so much Love, with abundance and joy, and beauty, all around us if we but take a moment to see. Her sun, her moon, her visible and invisible .. all Her creatures, the stone …
    A rose needs the thorns … interesting the paradox of a thing of beauty with its accompanying thorns.


the faerie embassy welcomes your thoughts ideas comments..