T : tick tock


there was a clock on the kitchen wall

tick tock the hands moved around its face,

time to leave to get the kids on the school bus,

time to go somewhere,

time to get a move on, the day is slipping away,

tick tock tick tock tick tock.


and then one day we had moved past the school years and

time was no longer so uptight so demanding so accountable,

and I had ticked and tocked in the kitchen for many a long while.

I had done my time so to speak .

I grabbed it off the wall opened the door walked out onto the verandah and threw it as far as I could.


I left a note on the wall in chalk

any time you like…



where’s the clock?


what’s it doing out there?

I chucked it out.

uh well how do we tell the time now?

good point.

to be fair a time piece is required to make connections to guide us thru the day. I had a teensy wincy digital clock that dad had given me who incidentally had before he moved from his house about a dozen clocks all tick tocking away.

he got used to me pulling the battery out of the clock in the room when I stayed with him. I went over home when Mum had her final stroke. I stopped the clock in the middle of my first night there because it was annoying me. three weeks later I was with my mother when she passed over. the time at which she took her last breath was the time I had stopped the clock.

the little digital model makes not a murmur, instead it lurks quietly on a shelf in the kitchen among the assorted leaf teas .

have you noticed how sometimes a minute is a long time and other times it fair gallops away.

a day a week a year an event can be slow or fast.

so it seems we have clock time and we have psychological time and although they come out of the same space they have different qualities.

for instance a holiday is on a different time scale to a work day.

when we meditate we enter no time which is spacious and expansive even while the clock is tick tock tick tocking .

we enjoy all manner of timely sayings:

I’ve run out of time

grieving takes time to heal

time waits for no one

they wouldn’t give me the time of day

time to move on

a stitch in time saves nine

there is never enough time

time will tell

there’s no time left


all these and many more have come as guides which lends me the idea that

time is a sage, a wisdom elder 


and from this elder we can slip thru a portal into timelessness which offers a greater depth to our life . timelessness steals us away into a moment that has no beginning and no end. we discover this space when we are creative or in nature or riding a wave or chasing a ball or highly focused on an activity or just those moments of daydream reflection contemplation and meditation.

the time to Be is now.



15 thoughts on “T : tick tock

  1. Saumya Agrawal

    Wow! This is an amazing piece. You’ve said a lot of things in just one post. Makes me think deep.
    I just can’t decide what I liked the best in it. All of it is just great! Keep writing 🙂


  2. Life after Z 🙂 – time on our hands! At long long last! Not a moment to soon! A very long time ago, I gave away my watch – I was tired of seeing people always checking and being ruled by time. Watchless doesn’t mean no watching – I like to guess time by the shadows of the season or the brightness of the day or just what my body clock says. Thanks Sandra, lovely post! ps what day is it today?


    1. there is a story I haven’t told yet about an invention when children were little of a day called plunkensteins day – who or what plunkenstein was nobody knows. this was day that anyone could call for and things would be different – it was anything goes on day -more like a sunday or a pyjamas day or a pancakes in bed day or a long ramble in the forest day – it was a teaching to the children that they were not ruled but sovereign beings. thank you susan and yes we still watch and know the time of day …mostly.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This was absolutely beautiful to read, I’ll look forward to reading more of your posts along the way of this week. Thank you for visiting my blog (The Wishing Well) and best wishes for the last few days of the challenge.


  4. I quite enjoyed your post and hearing about your journey with time and clocks. I’m glad, too, to be in a position to loosen my connection to timepieces. But I admit to having a great fascination for time itself – that shifting experience where it can extend into infinity and then zip by so quickly I’m convinced someone is ripping pages off the calendar while I sleep. But I especially like it when I understand that time is simply a marker, so we can find our place spatially in reference. Natural time, measured in rhythms of the sun rising and setting, and the seasonal wheel, is so much more spacious, allowing a much more expansion understanding, at least for me, of what it means to Be Here Now.


  5. I like that life has taken on less timekeeping as I’ve gotten older. On my work days I still go by the clock, but on other days I just float along and do things at my own pace. I think every clock in our house shows a different time, so I just go by whichever one suits my needs!

    Leanne | http://www.crestingthehill.com.au
    T for Take Control


    1. open time breathing time – any time. our fascination with time is a rich source of stories and I like it that everyone has something to share – a story a theory an idea on the notion of time. – a huge field of exploration…


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