roll out the pipe dream


ball ball shaped color earth

Restrictions are easing and people cheer for these small mercies
forgetting they are sovereign Beings enacting a sacred life on a sovereign planet.

I started to tell a story about the state of forests four months after The Fire raged through almost the entire east coast of Australia.

In this story I was going to tell there featured an arch villain Eden Woodchip Mill not only continuing operations but with plans to make briquettes from burnt trees for export. And then a lament of how desecrated the forests are in the south east corner where I live, desecrated by management that in serving a chipmill clearfells and control burns on a regular basis. I finish this story with a heartfelt regret about how some of these ransacked forests will never recover,  and then,  I caught myself.

So off in the tired old story I almost believed it. So off in a mechanistic logical rational equation forgetting the true potentiality within and without.

If we acknowledge that humans are multi-dimensional Beings who can Sing Pray and Heal then the truth becomes that we can do/be anything.  We have little idea of all that we capable of. We  know we are able to pollute our entire nest, split the atom, splice DNA, rob aquifers, exterminate species, fire missiles and pretend that capitalism is a valid role model.

Also aware that we have a capacity for kindness compassion forgiveness nurturing families communities while living respectfully lovingly with the Planet.

So kinda like jekyll and hyde characters. On the one hand our bodies hearts minds can be inveigled into serving the machine, the machine seemingly intent on our self destruction certainly our planetary base Or, we can surrender and perhaps in this discover an innate divine nature with inherent inner wisdom. In this state the resonance of the heart of Earth / Universe, the Great Spirit leads us to the possibility that we can walk in balance with the totality of existence, the dreaming of oneness, in love with creating Beauty for All Beings.

This path does not require religion faith or servitude.
It does require sacrifice truth and integrity.
I am one and I am many.
Like the neighbour, the senator the plumber.

The end game, my friend Heidi says, is here.
She’s right. It is the end for despair, bad deeds, subjugation and greed.
Even though many pointers channel us relentlessly in this direction.
The end of excess. The end for coal gas fracking, bio weapons, nuclear missiles, drone strikes and hatred. The end of all the dirty putrid ways. The end of indulgent mindless behaviours.

The abscess (from latin abscessus ‘a going away’ )  has been lanced, it oozes unpleasantly painfully and with a certain amount of relief that at long last all that is wrong is being exposed.  Many keep grasping onto what was, spin the story  and apply band aids .

For others this has become a time of revelation renewal and reflection.  A time of deep immersion in the Songs of Earth …Wind … Bird … Ocean … Whale … Rock… and Spirit. Tuning in to a higher frequency in which time and space merge into a oneness of loving attention, stillness solace nurturance and joy.

A pipe dream, a fantasy, a wish. I dare Us to hold this pipe dream, to wish, fantasize and activate another mode of living.

I dare us to not restart the old but chart another path through the rubble, the restrictions controls vanities addictions of yesterday into the Present unencumbered with all that seeks to destroy our beautiful planet home.

When faced with a pandemic we have proved that we can shut the world down. We have proved that when faced with difficulties we are creative and caring, that we can live without so much that was thought to be necessary.

What do you reckon?……. roll out the pipe dream…  nothing to loose.  Sing  it into existence into our gardens our grandchildren into the molecules of  land and sky.  Take a journey into the amazing cosmological evolutionary story that brought us to this moment and realise that as co creators we are part of the next chapter …

In honour of Murray Richmond Taylor who loved the trees the wind riffling in them the birds skipping around the yard; who loved the idea of a world without war and violence hunger and pain, who loved our long rambling phone conversations about how to ‘fix’ the world.   Father dearly loved and missed.

3 thoughts on “roll out the pipe dream

  1. Thank you for this lovely post Sandra. This is indeed a time when new paths can be forged, our minds and hearts and souls open to another way of being. A pipe dream? One I’ll happily smoke. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your father who so loved this planet and her wondrous offerings. My deepest condolences to you.


    1. thank you Susan, dad was 92 and I miss him very much. yet I carry his love and dreams in my heart and for this I am grateful.
      It is interesting to note how smoke is used in many cultures as a means of smudging or cleansing . Been a big cleanse here this year.

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