
it has been a while has it not
since we last met up,
here we are – once again in a circle holding hands .
the faerie embassy is emerging from its winter snuggy unfurling into a windy spring.
welcome swallows are renovating a nest on the mud wall outside the kitchen
daffodils nod in brilliant yellows around the yard
tiny swollen blossom buds on the one surviving peach tree are almost fit to burst .
the grey shrike thrush sings
magpies strut about on the verandah
stand on the back of the rocking chair and carol
look in thru the glass door at us
begging in a very proud and aristocratic way.

the heart tenderness of spring
new life rising – poignant bitter sweet in a forest deep in recovery after the fire
the regeneration is fierce, weeds prolific and many dead trees to remind us of the blaze.


Death comes knocking at her door
unprepared innocence answers
a beloved companion does not return
grief surges without tidal restraint
and the day is no longer a friend.

Tragically Chloe guide dog for 8 years to daughter Elsie died
words cannot fill the hole
sadly Chloe chose to leave on Elsies birthday
it reminds how precious every moment we share with our beloveds is.

code red humanity
code red
obviously we needed to hear it again

we needed it to be spelt out loud and clear
if ever there was a time to make some changes now is the hour



by the shining Sea we sit
in liquid silence of silver light
unseen the stars weave a quilt
our breath a stitch holds on tigh

by the shining Sea we pray
regret and suffering come to rest
yin and yang circle around
hearts remember all are blessed.

by the shining Sea we are
immersed within the golden mean
a Song emerges from the stars
and we who Sing remain unseen.

may the light of the divine guide us all


2 thoughts on “hello

  1. Lovely to see you emerge Sandra but tears for Chloe’s beloved guide dog Elsie, on her birthday no less. Beautiful post and poem … thank you and a wonderful reminder of the divine light and its guidance, so much needed –


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