H: Happy Birthday Haydee



It is one year today since the little kings sister  Haydee arrived in our lives.

born at home while grandad baked bread and the midwives had cups of tea.
I thought it was a dream said Kingston this morning. Grandad woke me up  but then I went back to sleep and next morning I went into the bedroom and there you were he tells Haydee in my spot in the bed. she yabbers back and tries to catch his finger.

almost walking she loves holding hands and tottering around wearing our backs out with a big grin plastered on her face.

Of course her brother  loves her to bits and she returns the adoration wanting to participate in everything he plays with. He has learnt to keep his bedroom door shut because when she spies it open quick as a crawling flash she is there sitting on her knees jumping up and down in the middle of his lego kingdom disrupting battle lines and  tucking  star wars heroes  into her mouth.


it is quiet

where’s haydee

I thought she was with you

I thought you had her

haydeeee haydeee haydee

there you are

oooh you’re in big trouble now little one.


if the young king finds her in his room the noise level escalates.  first Kingston tries to fob her off with bunny or building site the penguin or in desperation his best friend red dog , but disdainfully she bats the offerings away. next he pries  lego from her mouth and hands- getting louder now as  she moves into full-blown resistance. finally with a yell of frustration and a call to mum to help him out he picks her up and dumps her somewhere else.

mortally offended she cries gets picked up and soothed offered something else and not one to hold a grudge  moves on to explore another world another possibility but if that door is open ….

the verandah is super cool for throwing things over the edge and watching them fall. a couple of times she has tried hooking her leg over as if to climb off it but gets hauled back and told to take the steps .

mischievous most certainly , happy definitely but golly gosh can she growl.

if she can’t have something or doesn’t want to do something some difference of opinion in any way she grrrrrrr owls  loudly and clearly  clenching her chubby fists.

it is cute and we laugh which sometimes disarms her and sometimes intensifies the growling.

Haydee is a formidable being totally at ease and comfortable within her family and the world.

what a gift to all of us.



and I pray

that we may continue to create a beautiful world for her to grow into

a world where rivers taste fresh and fish swim free,

a world where forests grace the land

and all beings are treated with respect,

a world of sweet air and organic veges,

of grace and laughter,

of kindness and adventure,

of love and peace.

happy birthday dear Haydee

our future.


5 thoughts on “H: Happy Birthday Haydee

    1. Thanks Leanne – but perhaps I have not been clear enough . like you I am a grandmother – with a couple of 2year olds a 7 year old and the bubba.all 4 girls are in their 30’s which places me considerably older.


      1. That’s what I’d originally thought – but I got so absorbed in the Haydee story and your love for her and her brother that I totally thought they were yours!


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