X – ing


x-ing is a  mary daly word  found in the wickedary and here is what  I understand of it.


Mary Daly named it as the symbol for the unknown and variable qualities of questing women.


among these qualities is contrariness

the state in which women go other wise

in which they do things differently

in which they spin anticlockwise  

in which they go against the grain /drain

of the moguls of merchandise

whose only dream is to increase profits.



and then there is


women resident in Being

where women inhabiting their Authentic Original Selves

shamelessly explore cosmic encounters.

They dance and sing with Elemental energies

honouring synchronicity and living in Real Space Time.


another quality of x-ing

is women as boundary riders

always hunting fearlessly for the edge

and leaping off it.



we are x-ing women

when we refuse to be used

when we decline to be denied

and when we rebuff compromise.



Elizabeth Oakes Smith in a speech at the National Woman’s Rights Convention 1852


“my friends do you realize for what purpose we are convened?

do we fully understand that we aim at nothing less than an entire subversion of the present order of society, a dissolution of the whole existing social compact.”


 X-ing women unite !!!




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